Hello, parents and caregivers! I'm Kelly Gatch, a Speech-Language Pathologist at Talk is Sweet Pediatric Speech Therapy, and I'm thrilled to embark on this journey with you through the fascinating world of speech development in your one-year-old bundle of joy.
Picture this: your little one, just a year old, exploring the wonders of language through their adorable babbling. As a speech therapist, I can't help but marvel at this crucial stage of development. Babbling isn't just random noise; it's your child's way of laying the groundwork for future speech. Each babbled sound is a tiny triumph, a step closer to those first precious words.
Now, let's talk about those first words – "mama," "dada," or perhaps even the name of their favorite toy. As a parent, hearing those sweet syllables for the first time can be downright magical. But as a speech therapist, I see them as much more: they're milestones, signs of progress in your child's journey toward effective communication.
But wait, there's more! By the age of one, your little linguist may start to understand simple commands and gestures. That wave goodbye? It's not just adorable; it's a demonstration of your child's growing comprehension of language and their ability to communicate non-verbally.
American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) has this list of milestones for Birth to 1 Year.
Remember, every child is unique, and speech development is no exception. Some may start talking earlier, while others take their time – and that's perfectly okay! As a speech therapist, I'm here to reassure you that there's a wide range of normal when it comes to speech milestones.
If you ever have concerns about your child's speech development, don't hesitate to reach out. At Talk is Sweet, we're here to support you every step of the way. Early intervention can make a world of difference, so trust your instincts and seek guidance if needed.
In conclusion, the journey of speech development in your one-year-old is an exhilarating adventure, filled with triumphs both big and small. By understanding these milestones and providing a nurturing environment, you're laying the foundation for your child's future communication skills. And remember, here at Talk is Sweet Pediatric Speech Therapy, we're cheering you on every step of the way!